1. introduction to photoshop
  2. Photoshop use
  3. KeyPoints
  4. shortcuts
  1. square shape
  2. circle
  3. polygun
  4. Rectangle
  1. Move Tool use
  2.  Alignment 

Rectangular Tool

Eliptical Tool

single row

single coloum

1. Introduction to photoshop

  • Photoshop is a photo-editing software. It is a popular image changing software package. It was developed in 1987 by the American brothers Thomas and John Knoll.
  • Adobe Photoshop is the leading professional image editing and creating with full of high – quality features. We can Manipulate any image in a best way.
  • Adobe Photoshop is a paid software , and you can purchase it or download trial version from Adobe Creative Cloud.

2. Photoshop uses

  • We are not bound to work on Adobe Photoshop only for photo editing , we have lots of features in photoshop which increase its value in Graphics Designing.
  • We can Design.
    • website / Software / Mobile Application.
    • Banner / Hoarding / Flex
    • Logo 
    • GIFs
  • Creating 2D 3D Artwork
  • Photography
  • Print Media 
  • IT Companies
  • Online shop 

3 . Key Points

  • Rester – based
  • Pixelate
  • Layers
  • Group
  • Tools
  • Workspace
  • Canvas Size
  • Preset
  • Artboard ( Mobile Application ke liye )
  • Revolution 

4 . Photoshop Shortcuts


    General Shortcuts:

    • Ctrl + N: New file
    • Ctrl + O: Open file
    • Ctrl + S: Save file
    • Ctrl + Shift + S: Save As
    • Ctrl + W: Close file
    • Ctrl + Z: Undo
    • Ctrl + Shift + Z: Redo
    • Ctrl + A: Select all
    • Ctrl + D: Deselect
    • Ctrl + C: Copy
    • Ctrl + X: Cut
    • Ctrl + V: Paste
    • Ctrl + T: Free Transform
    • Ctrl + Shift + T: Repeat last transformation
    • Ctrl + Alt + Z: Step backward through history
    • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Z: Step forward through history
    • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K: Show Keyboard Shortcuts panel

    Tools Shortcuts:

    • V: Move tool
    • M: Marquee tool
    • L: Lasso tool
    • W: Magic Wand tool
    • C: Crop tool
    • J: Healing Brush tool
    • S: Clone Stamp tool
    • Y: History Brush tool
    • E: Eraser tool
    • G: Gradient tool
    • B: Brush tool
    • P: Pen tool
    • T: Type tool

    Selection Shortcuts:

    • Shift + click: Add to selection
    • Alt + click: Subtract from selection
    • Ctrl + Alt + click: Intersect with selection
    • Shift + arrow keys: Nudge selection
    • Shift + Alt + arrow keys: Expand or contract selection

    Layer Shortcuts:

    • Ctrl + J: Duplicate layer
    • Ctrl + G: Group layers
    • Ctrl + Shift + N: New layer
    • Ctrl + Shift + ]: Bring to front
    • Ctrl + Shift + [: Send to back
    • Ctrl + E: Merge visible
    • Ctrl + Shift + E: Flatten image

    Navigation Shortcuts:

    • Spacebar + drag: Pan
    • Ctrl + “+”/”-“: Zoom in/out
    • Ctrl + 0: Fit to screen
    • Ctrl + Spacebar + click: Zoom in
    • Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar + click: Zoom out

    Other Useful Shortcuts:

    • F: Cycle through screen modes
    • Tab: Toggle panels on/off
    • Ctrl + R: Show/hide rulers
    • Ctrl + H: Show/hide guides
    • Ctrl + ‘: Toggle grid

4 . Marque Tool

select = ctrl + A

shape color fill   = ctrl+shift +backspace 

shape color fill =  alt + shift + backspace